May 5 Tender Objects

May 5 Tender Objects

* Application Deadline: October 5, 2024
Tom Friedman (American, born 1965). Untitled, 1990. Bubble gum. Diameter: 5 inches (12.7 cm). The Rachofsky Collection


Co-curated with SMU Art History Graduate Students, Tender Objects: Emotion and Sensation after Minimalism explores how artworks that adopt minimalist formal strategies can activate a fleeting, even indefinable, emotional response from viewers.  These works appeal to human experience by provoking psychological and physical engagement. The manifestation of emotions and sensations in the exhibition is addressed through three themes: temporality, process, and materiality. For this last session, we will be discussing these three themes. If you have time, please read the Tom Friedman interview by Dennis Cooper (it may look long but there are lots of images). Additionally, here is a short video about the work of On Kawara produced for the Guggenheim exhibition in 2015.