The Artist

Graduate Symposium

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The Graduate Symposium is a natural out-growth of the goals of The Warehouse. This symposium aims to highlight emerging scholars presenting new perspectives on postwar and contemporary art, and to make the collection available to a wider national and international academic audience. Graduate students and recent graduates are invited to present their research on artists and works from the collection.  As part of the program, students are given the opportunity to visit The Warehouse before the symposium to utilize our library and view works from the collection in person. Travel stipends ands accommodations available for research visit and symposium. Participants research will be included in an online compendium with the keynote speaker’s address.

Graduate Symposium 2023

November 10, 2023

At The Warehouse

The Graduate Symposium 2023 at The Warehouse Dallas is organized around the theme of The Event with keynote speaker Dr. Jo Melvin, Professor of Fine Art & Feminisms, University of Arts London. Based on the ideas of British artist John Latham and the Least Event—the smallest moment or action after zero—this symposium will look at different artists that resonate with Latham’s work through their ideas of time-space, the event, and the moment of creation in art and performance. Graduate students will present their research on John Latham, Giulio Paolini, and Shinro Ohtake, with focus on works within The Rachofsky Collection.


Graduate presentations will begin at 2pm, followed by keynote presentation at 4pm. Detailed schedule below. The symposium will take place in The Warehouse Library. Guests are encouraged to come early for lunch and to view the current exhibition, Room by Room: Concepts, Themes, and Artists in The Rachofsky Collection.


12–2pm  Lunch and Open Galleries
2–4pm   Graduate Presentations and Q&A
4–5pm   Keynote Presentation by Dr. Jo Melvin and Q&A