
  1. For What It’s Worth: Value Systems in Art since 1960

    Curated By: Thomas Feulmer & Lisa Le Feuvre

    February 2 - June 29, 2024

    How can we attempt to understand the value systems that surround us and guide our lives? With this question, For What It’s Worth: Value Systems in Art since 1960 brings together 80 artists from across generations and geographies to explore one of the most urgent concerns of our time: the growing challenges to value systems...
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  2. Lucy Bull: Nacar

    September 9 - November 25, 2023

    Lucy Bull’s (b. 1990, New York) exhibition installed across galleries ten and eleven brings together paintings made over the past two years. Five of the paintings are on public view for the first time along with one from the artist’s personal collection. WAREHOUSE:01 is an annual exhibition of the work of a single artist that...
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  3. Room by Room: Concepts, Themes, and Artists in The Rachofsky Collection

    September 9 - November 25, 2023

    As we spent time with our previous exhibition—Open Storage: 25 Years of Collecting—we discovered that although it provided a substantial overview of the collection, there were many opportunities left unexplored. Simply put, there were a number of important artists and themes we could not include due to limited exhibition space. Room by Room builds on...
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  4. Open Storage: 25 Years of Collecting

    Curated By: Allan Schwartzman

    August 26, 2022 - April 29, 2023

    Typically, presentations of The Rachofsky Collection have featured few works, purposefully installed with ample space between them. These past installations have highlighted historical moments in postwar art that serve as focal points for the collection. They have also taken the visitor on thematic and often poetic journeys through the collection in search of fresh insights...
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  5. Sound as Sculpture

    Curated By: Thomas Feulmer

    January 21 - May 28, 2022

    Sculptural practice in the 20th century witnessed explosive innovation in its experiments with new mediums, bodily engagement, and theatricality as artists sought to expand our understanding of the dynamics between objects and space. One of the most radical developments was the use of sound to further explore those dynamics and test the boundaries of convention....
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