LINK NPR Planet Money’s T-Shirt Project (series of broadcasts discussing origins and implications of a t-shirt, related to how Kevin Beasley thinks about cotton)
LINK Tom Friedman’s early sculpture’s using household item
LINK Trauma-Aware Art Museum Education: A Conversation
LINK Therapeutic Art Interventions for Children and Teens: Creative and Mindfulness-Based Techniques for Trauma, Anxiety, ADHD and more. Patricia Isis, PHD, LMHC, ATR-BC, ATCS, workshop mentioned by Mandy Dockweiler
BOOK – The Open Art Room, mentioned by Kate McKnight
LINK TAB Teaching for Artistic Behavior – Engaging Learners Through Artmaking: Choice-Based Art Education in the Classroom (TAB), Katherine M. DouglasDiane B. Jaquith, mentioned by Stephanie Coody
LINK Afternoon Chat with ideas on how to use General Idea Mona Hatoum, and Kevin Beasley in the Classroom (PDF)
NYTIMES Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ “Untitled” (Natural History) and removal of Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt outside of the Natural History Museum
FGT Foundation Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ “Untitled” (Natural History) and removal of Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt outside of the Natural History Museum
LINK Paper Monuments project in New Orleans, mentioned by Lindsey O’Connor (DMA)
LINK Phyllida Barlow untitled:hangingmonument2015 at Nasher, mentioned by Lynda Wilbur (Nasher)
LINK Doris Salcedo Art21, mentioned by Colleen Borsh (Nasher)