Open Hours at The Warehouse
Open Hours take place every Saturday, 12–5pm, during our exhibitions. Guided tours and gallery talks led by The Warehouse staff take place at 2pm during Open Hours and focus on the current exhibition. View the upcoming schedule for tours and learn more details at Saturdays at The Warehouse.
Admission to Open Hours is free, but space is limited. Online registration is required.
- Due to the fragile nature of the works on view, all visitors must be 12 or older and visitors ages 12–15 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Limit 5 per RSVP.
- Visitors can arrive anytime during Open Hours and stay until 5pm. Last entry will be at 4:30pm.
- Visitors must observe The Warehouse’s additional safety measures below.
Click below to register
Saturday, March 29th
Saturday, April 5th
Friday, April 11th
Saturday, April 12th
Saturday, April 19th
Saturday, April 26th
In our continued efforts to maintain a safe space for viewing art, we ask that guests observe the following:
- None of the art may be touched. Any visitor who violates this rule will be asked to leave The Warehouse immediately.
- No food or drink are allowed in the gallery.
- Sketching and writing are permitted in the galleries with graphite pencils only.
- The Warehouse will do its best to meet the needs of visitors with accessibility challenges. Please give us as much advanced notice as possible. Registered service animals only are permitted.
- All cars will be required to park inside the gate.
- Guests may encounter artwork with strong language, male or female nudity, and sexual content.
- There is no bag check. Large bags, backpacks, and large purses will NOT be allowed in the space.
- Please alert The Warehouse education staff before your arrival if you are part of a school group or organized tour.
- Visitors are prohibited from bringing the following items into The Warehouse: weapons and tools including firearms, knives, cutting tools, realistic replicas of firearms, disabling chemicals like mace/pepper spray, or other potentially dangerous instruments.
- Visitors who are sick, displaying symptoms of being sick, or have been exposed to or know anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 are asked to stay home and reschedule for another date.